To celebrate the 150th post,* here are a few search-engine queries that have brought people to this site in the past few months:
autumn days when the grass is jewelled lyrics and variations on that is, by a large margin, what brings random visitors to this site. I did post some of the lyrics, here. The rest of the requests below are rather rarer.
byline photo – no, I still don’t think I need one
what is healthy porn? Porn where everyone is getting plenty of fibre in their diet? I have no idea.
pines forest evil – I’m not, am I?
colleague m was presumably searched for by Colleague M’s mother. Hello, Colleague M’s Mother!
the leviathan pictures – I don’t know whether you mean the philosophy book or the mythical beast, but neither are anything to do with me.
i hear voldemort has no nose how does he smell? I love it when people have the same silly sense of humour as me.
fed up with websites. Well, stop reading them then.
I think that’s enough of that for a few months.
* no, I know it’s not a very good anniversary, but it’s the best I could do